Associate/Staff Character Reference Form Applicant’s Name* First Last How long have you know the applicant?*In what relationship?*How well do you know the applicant?* Very well Moderately well Not very well Is there any indication that the applicant’s decision to apply for ministry service has been significantly influenced by:* A desire to escape difficult personal, family or vocation situations An unrealistic appraisal of what is involved in Christian service Neither of the above Please explain:*Employers, professors, and others in positions to observe, please comment professionally on the following: Estimate the candidate’s ability and potential in ministry:To your knowledge, how does the applicant respond under difficult circumstances?*Are you aware of any instance of mental or emotional illness or difficulty which the applicant or members of the applicant’s family have had? If so, please explain:*To your knowledge, has the applicant ever used narcotics, hallucinogens or drugs not prescribed by a physician?* Yes No If so, please explain:*Can the applicant take responsibility? Give examples:*. In what areas does this individual have outstanding ability? (for example, organizational, business, teaching, speaking, musical, athletic, counseling, administrative, etc.)*Have you ever had occasion to question the applicant’s morals?* Yes No If so, explain:*Do you have any reservations concerning the financial integrity and /or the indebtedness of this applicant?*Have you any reason whatever to lack confidence in this applicant?*Does the applicant have the ability to make decisions and follow through on them?*How does the applicant respond to authority?*Assess the applicant’s sensitivity to the needs, feelings, and attitudes of others*What is the applicant’s attitude toward other groups, races, or nationalities?*Does the applicant have leadership ability?*To your knowledge, has the applicant been involved in Christian related activities? Give examples:*Please state frankly your opinion of the applicant’s all-around fitness for Christian service, adding significant information and impressions not brought out by the preceding questions.*Character Trait EvaluationLaziness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Procrastination* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Criticalness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Impracticality* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Irritability* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Discouragement* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Anxiety, worry* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Moodiness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Inclination toward absorbing friendships (“crushes”)* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Depression* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Argumentativeness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Domineering manner* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Rebelliousness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Achievement (ability to formulate, execute)* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Self-discipline* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Teachability* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Adaptability* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Well-rounded interests* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Perseverance* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Dependability* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Punctuality* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Conscientiousness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Common sense and judgment* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Integrity* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Trustworthiness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Health* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Emotional stability* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Marital harmony (if applicable) Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Discipline of children (if applicable) Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Spiritual maturity* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Knowledge of the Bible* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Commitment to personal evangelism* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Consistency of Christian walk* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Apparent desire for Christian growth* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Friendliness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Social poise* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Tactfulness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Ability to communicate* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Neatness of person* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Neatness of home* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Mental alertness* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Initiative* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Ability with personal finances* Never Apparent Rarely Apparent Sometimes Apparent Often Apparent Seriously Apparent Not Known Verification* To the best of my knowledge, the information included in this reference is true. I have not withheld any information that might affect the evaluation of this application for employment. Your Full Name* First Middle Last Official position or occupation*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.